A Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine wherein many profitable questions touching Christian Religion are handled, and the whole decalogue succintly and judiciously expounded, with additions.
Pt. 1. The Preface Of The Catechism.
Ch. 1. Of catechising.
Warrant of a preface.
Preliminary observations.
§ 1. That children ought to be instructed.
§ 2. The manner of the instruction.
There may be a summary of doctrine.
The fruit of this.
Religion may be so taught.
§ 3. The duty of the catechised.
First, to come.
and with what preparation.
Secondly, to hear
What faults to be avoided herein.
How we should examine what we hear.
The foundation of our catechising, in Four Questions.
Ch. 2. Of the first question, Whether there be a God.
§ 1. Of the first point, that the end of our journey is, to come to God.
Arguments against the other supposed ways of happiness.
against the first, wealth.
against the second, honour.
against the third, pleasure.
against the fourth, virtue.
against the fifth, contemplation.
Now generally against them all.
There is wanting in them, first, satisfaction.
Secondly, perpetuity.
In coming to God, are both of these.
§ 2. Of the second point, that the way to come to God, is by belief.
We cannot come to God by reason.
Faith not a sign of lightness.
Of belief.
§ 3. Of the third point, that God is that which we must believe.
Four errors of Satan.
Accounts of atheism.
The theory false.
How it arose.
The doctrine false.
Shown first, a priori.
Shown secondly, from things without us.
Shown thirdly, from things within us.
1. From our souls
2. From principles of truth therin.
How it cometh that there are atheists
3. From the distinction of good and evil.
4. From our conscience.
5. From deaths of atheists.
Ch. 3. Of the second question, Whether God be a rewarder of good and evil.
§ 1. Opinions concerning providence.
Objections against a providence considered.
answer to the first.
answer to the second.
answer to the third.
§ 2. That there is a general providence.
and a particular providence.
§ 3. That providence is not by nature, or chance.
First, not by nature.
Second, not by chance.
§ 4. That providence reacheth to every one
and reward.
Ch. 4. Of the third question, Whether the Scriptures be God’s word.
§ 1. Of the way of the heathen.
Testimonies against it, from heathens themselves.
§ 2. In particular, of the heathen gods.
Of the worship of men.
and of beasts.
§ 3. Of the way of the Turk.
§ 4. Of the way of the Jews.
against their first error.
against their second error.
against their third error.
Ch. 5. Of the fourth question, Whether our religion be truly founded on God’s word.
§ 1. Of our religion, as the same with the Jews’.
Shown true, from its antiquity.
It is the parent of heathen religion.
Shown true from other reasons.
§ 2. Of our religion as different from the Jews’.
First, for the credit of the gospel.
Secondly, for the story, 1. of the birth of Christ.
2. of the death of Christ.
§ 3. Of our religion as different from the Papists’.
The question between us is of the means of interpretation.
Of our means of interpretation.
Of the papists’ means of interpretation.
1. Of the fathers.
2. Of the councils.
3. Of the pope.
4. Of the church.
Pt. 2. Of The Law Of God.
Transcribed and edited by This Person for New Whitchurch Press.
Works consulted
Author, Title (YEAR), Edited by Editor, City: Publisher
[1] Sidenotes.[2] Go.
[3] Here.
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